Make a Swap with Cashback

Up to 100% of the trading fees is returned in NMX token. Percentage of cashback depends on your farming level.
NMX address
How to trade NMX tokens

Trading of NMX tokens is possible only in Binance Smart Chain network. Please, use the bridge to transfer tokens to BSC network.

How to use it?

NomiSwap: Revolutionizing the Decentralized Trading Landscape

Embark on an exploration of NomiSwap's innovative features and groundbreaking solutions that are reshaping the decentralized trading landscape, introducing cutting-edge advancements.

NomiSwap Token (NST): Unveiling the Core of Ecosystem Empowerment

Dive into the intricacies of NomiSwap's native token (NST), uncovering its unique utility, distribution mechanisms, and essential role within the thriving NomiSwap ecosystem.

Liquidity Pool Mastery: Strategic Asset Staking for Optimal Profits

Unlock the strategies for mastering liquidity pools on NomiSwap, strategically staking assets to optimize profits and actively contributing to the liquidity dynamics of this decentralized exchange.

NomiSwap Governance: Fostering Community-Driven Evolution

Immerse yourself in the community-driven governance model of NomiSwap, where every member has a voice, actively participating in decisions that shape the platform's future enhancements.

NomiSwap DEX: Redefining the Seamless Trading Experience

Experience the epitome of seamless trading at NomiSwap's decentralized exchange (DEX), providing users with an intuitive platform to trade various digital assets effortlessly.

NomiSwap Security Measures: Cultivating Trust in Every Transaction

Explore the comprehensive security measures meticulously implemented by NomiSwap, establishing a secure and trustworthy environment for all transactions within the platform.

NomiSwap Community Hub: Fostering Connections Among Enthusiasts and Users

Engage and connect within the vibrant NomiSwap community hub, where enthusiasts and users gather, share insights, and actively contribute to the ongoing success of the platform.

NomiSwap Learning Center: Empowering Users with Comprehensive Knowledge

Empower yourself with comprehensive knowledge about decentralized finance, blockchain, and NomiSwap's functionalities through the dedicated Learning Center and educational resources.

Insights into Strategic Staking: Maximizing Returns on NomiSwap

Unlock valuable insights into strategic staking on NomiSwap, enabling participants to maximize their returns while actively contributing to the platform's liquidity.

NomiSwap Ecosystem Harmony: Understanding Interconnected Services

Explore the harmonious synergy of interconnected services within the NomiSwap ecosystem, understanding how different components collaborate to create a comprehensive decentralized exchange platform.

Technological Excellence: Unveiling the Advanced NomiSwap Technology Stack

Dive deep into the technological excellence of NomiSwap, uncovering the layers of the advanced technology stack powering the platform, ensuring efficiency, and scalability.